Bt Price Increase in Contract

BT Price Increase in Contract: What You Need to Know

If you are a BT customer, you may have received an email or letter notifying you of a price increase in your contract. This can be frustrating news, but it is important to understand why this is happening and how it may affect you.

Why is BT Increasing Prices?

BT is raising prices to invest in their network infrastructure and to provide better services to their customers. This includes upgrading their broadband and mobile networks, improving their customer service, and investing in new technologies.

BT has stated that the price increase is necessary to cover these costs and to ensure they can continue to provide high-quality services in the future.

How Much Will Prices Increase?

The amount your prices will increase will depend on the type of package you have with BT. Generally, customers can expect to see an increase of between 1.3% and 4.5%.

For example, if you have a BT Mobile contract, your monthly bill may increase by £1.50. If you have a BT Broadband and Phone contract, your monthly bill may increase by £2.50.

When Will Prices Increase?

The price increase will take effect from March 31, 2021. BT has stated that they will notify affected customers at least 30 days before the price increase takes effect.

What Can You Do About the Price Increase?

If you are unhappy with the price increase, you have a few options. You can:

1. Contact BT to discuss your options. BT may be able to offer you a better deal or an alternative package that better suits your needs.

2. Consider switching to a different provider. There are many other broadband and mobile providers available, and you may be able to find a better deal elsewhere.

3. Cancel your contract with BT. If you are outside of your contract`s minimum term, you may be able to cancel your contract without incurring any penalties.

It is important to note that if you do decide to cancel your contract, you will need to give BT at least 30 days` notice. You may also need to pay any outstanding bills or charges before your contract can be cancelled.

In Conclusion

The BT price increase may be frustrating for some customers, but it is important to understand why it is happening and how it may affect you. If you are unhappy with the price increase, you can contact BT to discuss your options, consider switching to a different provider, or cancel your contract if you are outside of your minimum term.